I can’t remember what colour my hair was before I started to make this TV series for Five.
In my mind’s eye I see it as a deep and lustrous brown. (I could, of course, be wrong about that. It’s a little-known historical fact that mind’s eyes are notoriously deceptive.)
4,000 entrants were whittled down to 400.
Then to a final ten.
Judges art critic, Brian Sewell, designer, Wayne Hemingway, and video-artist, Jane Wilson,*politely discussed who should win.
My hair's grey now, that’s all you need to know. Very, very grey.
* (After extensive discussions with my legal team, we have settled upon the word “politely” to try and give some sense of the deliberations that actually took place between Mr Sewell and Mr Hemingway, during the making of this programme.)